Play China Marketing Video
Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

Sanya Area Control Center Signed the AIDC Coordination & Transfer Agreement with the Zhanjiang Area Control Office


On May 24th, the Sanya Area Control Center of the CAAC ATMB Hainan Branch signed the AIDC Coordination & Transfer Agreement with the Area Control Office of the Zhanjiang Air Traffic Management Station. According to this agreement, on June 1st, the coordination & transfer task between Sanya Area Control Center, the CAAC ATMB Hainan Branch and the Area Control Office of Zhanjiang Air Traffic Management Station will enter the peroperation phase of the AIDC transfer from the traditional phone transfer.

The per-operation of the AIDC will strongly promote the automation of communication between the two parties, decrease phone coordination & transfer, and improve efficiency. To promote this task, the Sanya Area Control Center of the CAAC ATMB Hainan Branch, did much preparatory work, such as establishing an AIDC work group in charge of control and technology support, escalating and transforming all of the equipments, training all the air traffic controllers in theory and so on. After this agreement, the coordination & transfer between the two parties will be based on AIDC coordination & transfer, supplemented by phone coordination and transfer.

As an efficient means of reducing air traffic controllers’ workload and freeing them from busy coordination so that they can put more energy into tasks more closer related to air traffic, AIDC has entered the promotion & application stage in many areas of China in these years.

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