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Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

Zhuhai Municipal Government Signed an Agreement with the Central



In mid-October, the Zhuhai Municipal government signed a settlement for the operational security of the CAAC Zhuhai ATM station with the Central South ATMB. Mr. Chen Renfu, an aide to the mayor, and Mr. Chen Songlin, director-general of the Central South ATMB, signed their names on the agreement respectively on behalf of the Zhuhai municipal government and the Central South ATMB. Related leaders from the Zhuhai Traffic Management Bureau, the Zhuhai Development and Reform Bureau, the Finance Division of the Central South ATMB, the Zhuhai Terminal Control Center, the Zhuhai Aviation Industrial Park and the Zhuhai Aviation Industrial Development Group Co., Ltd. all attended this meeting.

The CAAC Zhuhai ATM Station is the only unit that is jointly managed by both the local government and the CAAC in China's civil aviation system. In 1995, the Zhuhai municipal government and the Central South ATMB signed an Agreement for Managing the CAAC Zhuhai Flight Operation Station with Independent Personnel and Finances. According to this agreement, the finance problems are managed by the Zhuhai Flight Operation Station, and the personnel and industrial management is operated by the civil aviation sector and this mechanism has been implemented ever since then and has provided powerful security for the sustainable development of the Zhuhai ATM Station. Because the personnel and the finance issues of the Zhuhai ATM Station were independently managed, the investment plan of this unit had not been included into the nation's civil aviation development program. Therefore, the facilities and equipment are too old to meet industrial development requirements and the risk to operating the facility is getting higher and higher. The potential safety hazards are starting to stand out, which has severely prohibited the rapid development of Zhuhai's aviation industry. In addition, according to the Agreement on Managing the CAAC Zhuhai Flight Operation Station with Independent Personnel and Finances, all the investment used for upgrading the facilities and equipment of the Zhuhai ATM Station will be undertaken by the Zhuhai government. In the next five years, expenses being spent on upgrading these facilities and equipment may reach 300 to 500 million Yuan, which will be a heavy pressure for the Zhuhai municipal government. Therefore, to adjust to the nation's general plan in the civil aviation industry, to utilize the nation's investment policy for the air traffic management of the civil aviation industry and to integrate all its resources, the Zhuhai municipal government and the Central South ATMB officially signed a settlement on the Operational Security of the CAAC Zhuhai ATM Station after long negotiations, which transferred the property of Zhuhai ATM Station's fixed assets, including facilities and equipment, land, houses, etc. to the Central South ATMB.

The signing of the settlement on the operational security of the CAAC Zhuhai ATM will be of great significance to the development of ATM around the Zhuhai region and to Zhuhai's aviation industry. Mr. Chen Songlin, director-general of the Central South ATMB said that starting the day of the signing, the Central South ATMB will execute scientific evaluations to the current facilities and equipment, so as to make a complete and systematic upgrade and reconstruction plan. The Central South ATMB will strengthen negotiations with the CAAC so that the reconstruction plan of Zhuhai's ATM Station can be included in China's Civil Aviation Development Plan During the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period and the construction of Zhuhai's ATM system could move forward.

10 月中旬,珠海市政府与民航中南空管局共同签署了《关于民航珠海空管站运行保障协议》,珠海市陈仁福市长助理,民航中南空管局陈松林局长分别代表珠海市政府和民航中南空管局在协议书上签字。珠海市交通局、发改局等职能部门以及中南空管局财务处、民航珠海进近管制中心、珠海航空产业园、航空城集团的领导均参加了此次会议。

民航珠海空管站是全国民航唯一一家由地方政府和民航共同管理的单位。1995年,珠海市政府与民航中南管理局签订了 《关于民航珠海航务管理站实行人财分离管理办法的协议》,本着珠海市政府负责经济管理,民航负责人员和行业管理的原 则,一直实施至今,为珠海空管站可持续发展提供了有力保障。由于珠海空管站实行独特的人财分离体制,珠海空管的投资 规划未能纳入国家民航发展规划之中,使得珠海空管站设备设施更新改造工作滞后于行业发展需求,设备运行风险逐年加大, 安全隐患突显,将严重制约珠海航空产业的快速发展。并且根据人财分离协议的要求,珠海市政府将承担着珠海空管设备设 施更新改造的全部费用,据统计,在未来五年内,珠海空管的设备设施改造费用将达到3-5 亿元人民币,无疑也大大增加了 珠海市政府的财政压力。因此,为了适应全国民航空管发展的统一规划,合理利用国家对民航空管的投资政策和整合资源, 经珠海市政府与民航中南空管局协商,于2012 年10 月17 日正式签署《民航珠海空管站运行保障协议》,将珠海市政府投资 建设的珠海空管设备设施、土地物业等固定资产产权移交民航中南空管局。

《民航珠海空管站运行保障协议》的签署,对珠海空管以及珠海航空产业的发展都具有十分重要的意义。民航中南空管 局陈松林局长表示:民航中南空管局将从协议签署之日起对珠海空管现有设备设施进行科学的评估,做出全面系统的更新改 造规划。并积极加强与民航局的协调,争取将珠海空管设备设施改造计划调整到民航“十二五”发展规划之中,加快推进珠 海空管系统的建设。

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