A CCAR121 annual conformity assessment and a CCAR145 annual inspection of maintenance organizations were carried out with regards to China Eastern Airlines in Shanghai and Ningbo, by a airworthiness inspection team which consisted of the Airworthiness Maintenance Division of the CAAC East China Regional Administration, the Airworthiness Maintenance Division of the CAAC Northwest Regional Administration, the Civil Aviation Administration of Shanghai, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangsu, Qingdao, Hubei, Yunnan and Jiangxi, and the airworthiness representative duly authorized by China Eastern Airlines. The inspection was intended to check the implementation of airworthiness regulations, manuals/procedures and operational standards in Shanghai and Ningbo by China Eastern Airlines. As well as to examine the operation of the maintenance management system in China Eastern Airlines and identify any potential accidents affecting maintenance quality and aviation safety. The assesments were concentrated on aircraft engineering management, the institutes and personnel in the maintenance system, maintenance production management, personnel training and other issues.
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