Play China Marketing Video
Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

The Passenger Flow at BCIA came into the top 5 of the World in Q2, 2009


The Passenger Service Improvement Committee of Beijing Capital International Airport held a regular seasonal meeting for the 2nd quarter on July 21st, 2009. Capital Airport maintained the same speed and quality development situation for the 2nd quarter with passenger throughput ranked among the top five in the world. Beijing Airport completed 1.22 million protected flights in the 2nd quarter and increased 5.2% over the 1st quarter. Total passenger throughput accumulated to 15.84 million and up by 4.6% comparing with the 1st quarter. The customer satisfaction index of Capital Airport was 4.40% and grew 0.69% from the 4.37% of the 1st quarter.

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