Invited by Civil Aviation University of China, Nancy J. Graham, Director of Air Navigation Bureau of ICAO and David Alan VanNess, Director of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Programme, Asia-Pacific Office of ICAO, visited the university on June 25, 2010. Wu Tongshui, Principal of Civil Aviation University of China and Bai Jie, Vice Secretary of the Communist Party Committee, met with the visiting guests and discussed in depth the most concerned cooperative agendas that interested both parties. During the meeting, Principal Wu first welcomed Ms. Graham for the visit and introduced to her the basic scope of the university. Wu expressed that he hoped to be able to select and send a specialist or professor from the university to work in the specialist group of ICAO. Graham pleasantly accepted and thanked Wu. Wu and Graham also discussed application and cooperation between the two sectors on communication, navigation and surveillance, satellite communication for international communication navigation club as well as China civil aviation. After the meeting, Graham visited various laboratories of Aviation Management College and Electronic and Communication College. Civil Aviation University of China and ICAO have a good cooperation basis. The university had hired Dr. Assad Kotaite, former President of the Council of ICAO, as visiting professor in 2007. At early 2010 and the end of May, Principal Wu and Pan Zhixiang, Secretary of the Communist Party Commitee, had individually led a delegation to visit ICAO headquarter in Montreal, Canada, to discuss and sign a cooperation overview on international aviation operator certification registration project namely AOC. The AOC project has proceed smoothly at present.
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