The Letter of Intended Cooperation of domestic made C919 large passenger aircraft’s landing gear and wheels, tires and braking system was signed in Changsha on July 11, 2010. Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. signed the Letter of Intended Cooperation on landing gear with AVIC Landing Gear Advanced Manufacturing Corp. and Liebherr Group; Commercial Aircraft Corp. of China, Ltd. had also signed with Hunan Boyun New Materials Co. Ltd., Changsha Xinhang Wheel and Brake Co., Ltd. and Honeywell International the Letter of Intended Cooperation on wheels, tires and brakes. As introduced, the domestic made large aircraft C919 had meanings as C=China, 9=forever and 19=190 seats. The manufacturing site of C919’s landing gear, wheels, tires, and brakes was located at Changsha Aviation Industry Park of Wangcheng Economic Development District, a 1200 acres construction of 350 million Yuan total investment. Lately, the phase I facility was completed, and would put into production at year end.
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