Approved by Northwest Civil Aviation Authority, Ningxia Guyuan Airport launched its operation on June 26, 2010. Guyuan City is located at the south of Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region with a total population of 1.4552 million; of which 648 thousands, a 44.5%, are Hui Nationalities that makes Guyuan a major living area of Hui in China. Ningxia Guyuan Airport is located at Gaopo Village, Zhonghe County, 8.5 kilometers from Yuanzhou District, Guyuan. The construction started in October, 2007, and completed in a duration of more than 2 years. The airport is designed to fulfill the demand of yearly passenger throughput of 120 thousand and cargo-mail turnover volume of 530 tons by year 2015. Aircraft models operated are Boeing 737 and Airbus 320 series, and the flight zone level is 4C with a 2800 meters long runway. The project’s total investment is more than 0.4 billion Yuan. The test flight on June 8, 2010 was a success.
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