June 13, 2010, Department of Personnel of CAAC organized a group of specialists to conduct a technological effect evaluation on “ATC weather radar information integrated display system”, researched and developed by Northeast Air Traffic Control Bureau, and acknowledged concurringly that the system passed CAAC’s scientific and technologic effects evaluation. The “System” changed the weather service mode during thunderstorms in the past; it would combine the aircraft and the cumulonimbus echoes positioning signals displayed on different monitors to show on one system interface in real time, clearly displayed the relative positions of aircraft and cumulonimbus, which provided a faster, more convenient, advanced supplementary method under the thundering, rainy conditions. During test operation, system operation was stable, displayed relative positions of aircraft and cumulonimbus echoes were objectively accurate, distance detection function guaranteed the control supervision of aircraft’s circling distance, and provided heavy rain echoes animation display function which forecast the weather that could directly help on reasonably arranged the flights.
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