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Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

The Fourth and Fifth Runway Projects of Shanghai Pudong International Airport Gets Approval from the NDRC

In November, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC for short) approved the proposals for the fourth and fifth runway projects of the Shanghai Pudong International Airport. The fourth project takes the year of 2020 as its targeted completion date and is designed to accommodate takeoff and landing sorties of 650 thousand. The flight area is designed as category 4F. The fourth runway, 3,800 meters long, together with a taxiway system, will be constructed to the east of the second runway. The Class I Precision Approach Lighting system and instrument landing system will be built bi-directionally. The meteorological wind profile radar, expansion air traffic units, auxiliary facilities for fire fighting, security and water drainage will also be constructed. The total investment for the fourth runway project is 2.58 billion Yuan. The fifth runway project will have a flight area designed as category 4E. The fifth runway will be 3,400 meters long, with a taxiway system and an aircraft tugging path. The plans are for the runway to be constructed to the east of the fourth runway. The Class I Precision Approach Lighting system and instrument landing system will be built bi-directionally. The second tower and an ATC building of 1,800 square meters will be built. The old ATC building will be re-constructed. The auxiliary facilities for fire fighting, security, water drainage and other ATC facilities will also be constructed. The total investment for the fifth runway project is 4.65 billion Yuan.
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