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Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

U.S. Meteorology Delegation Visits Air Traffic Management Bureau of CAAC


On the invitation of the ATMB, U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) experts paid a visit to the CAAC Meteorology Center in Beijing during October 20th to 24th, 2008. The delegation included American meteorology experts, who visited the Beijing regional control center and aeronautical meteorology center of Northeast China ATMB. They discussed aeronautical meteorology operations and product development, as well as the development plans of US NEXTGEN, a business collaboration between the NWS and FAA. The two delegations also discussed the present status of aeronautical meteorology in China. Over 30 experts attended the symposium, including representatives from all regional ATMB branches. The exchange aimed to set a foundation for cooperation between the two countries’ aeronautical meteorology programs and to lead to new training, management techniques, and monitoring systems.

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