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Volume 14,Issue 3 Autumn 2012

Cause of the Helicopter Crash in Linyi, Shandong Province was Released: Poor visibility and Equipment Failure

临沂直升机坠毁事故原因公布 能见度差且违规运行


The CAAC East China Regional Administration issued a report on June 15th announcing the cause of the accident involving a helicopter from the Xinjiang Tianyi Helicopter Aviation Co., Ltd. The accident was attributed to the poor visibility which led the pilot to lose visual reference and the sudden failure of the GPS. The helicopter finally crashed in the mountains leaving one pilot dead.

It is understood that a SW4 helicopter registered B-7791 from the Xinjiang Tianyi Helicopter Aviation Co., Ltd crashed at the juncture of two Shandong counties when spraying pesticides, killing one pilot.

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